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Friday, March 11, 2011

PK 24: Vaginal Rejuvenation Cream

pk24 is the first and only clinically tested, vaginal rejuvenation cream. The cream is formulated from a proprietary blend of plant extracts designed to hydrate the interior vaginal walls and create a tightening effect lasting up to 24 hours. The tightening effect allows for greater friction, and in turn enhances sensation and sexual pleasure for both a woman and her partner.

Women of all ages are finding pk24 the breakthrough solution for vaginal relaxation—the natural result of aging and/or childbirth. Safe enough to use every single day, pk24 can help women achieve heightened vaginal sensations and have better, more frequent orgasms. In the clinical trials, 78% of women reported an increase in satisfaction with their ability to reach orgasm when using pk24.
By temporarily restoring the feeling of youthful resilience to an important personal part of the body, pk24 is intended to provide women with a renewed sense of sexual confidence and empowerment.
For more information on PK 24, check out www. or contact us today! 

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